Thursday, February 19, 2009

Surviving The Recession

The recent collapse of our beloved U.S. economy has rendered many Americans jobless and hungry. My family like many others experienced struggles attempting to carry the burden of blood for oil. My cousin and childhood friend was forced fly over seas in attempts to save the land of the free and home of the brave. The miscellaneous column in my monthly budget shrank to extinction. I was forced to give up “expendable purchasing” which included video games, dinner/movie dates, and all other “anti-drugs” that used to occupy my time.
I was forced to pick up a part time shift at Circuit City which went belly up faster than our economy. The recession crippled the sale of unnecessary goods like the latest iPod or TV. The going out of business sale preceded my eventual lay-off along with several other employees. I was forced to remain a pedestrian throughout my high school years due to the fluctuating gas prices. My Christmas tree sheltered less presents than in years past. Financial instability was a concern of the average American household.
I was raised by a single mother who was obligated to work overtime to provide for our family. My aunt was forced to settle for a small courthouse wedding so she could afford the increasing mortgage on her house. Saving money was unprofitable because the rate of inflation exceeded the interest rates in any bank.
Obama’s words “time for change” echoed through my mind as I watched gas climb to nearly 5 dollars a gallon. On the plus side, as a result of increased delivery cost in restaurant’s attempts to keep up with fuel costs, I was eating more home cooked meals. As a resident of the metropolitan Baltimore area, I witnessed crime rates climb as employment grew scarce.
When I departed for college, I left behind fellow graduates who found the college experience and even the application process too expensive. I endured criticism for my choice to major in business administration in the midst of an economic crisis which developed insecurities of future career choices.
The recession impacted the lives of my entire family. It lead to changes in my daily routine like my diet and entertainment methods which affected my lifestyle to this day. I look forward to a day when the economy is suitable to start a family and own property with no worries.

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