Thursday, February 19, 2009


My issue is censorship. I would like to limit the censorship instituted in today’s popular music in the United States.
Associate it. This issue is more prevalent with today’s youth which configure the audience for popular music. It is associated with movie and video game ratings and the banning of books on the internet and in school environments (which was proved unconstitutional in 1913 United States v. Mitchell Kennerley). This issue dances on the border of the first amendment and the right to freedom of speech.
Describe it. Censorship is prevalent in society now more than ever. Listening to the radio is a frustrating experience when the songs are butchered beyond recognition. Bleeps substitute whole choruses at a time. Music is a form of expression and boldly exercises the freedom of speech that makes us proud Americans. Radio and television stations refuse to play songs and even artist because of controversial issues they choose to attack and the language they use. Popular rapper, Kanye West, was temporarily banned by all MTV stations for his remarks regarding our previous President George W. Bush.
Compare it. Limiting censorship would provide for more quality expression in music. It would affect the guidelines for movie and video game ratings. The limitations would relieve the controversy of book banning. It could alleviate restrictions of reporter’s controversial stories in newspaper columns. America can freely practice their rights.
Apply it. Possible solutions include compromising to construct a mixture of censored and uncensored radio stations throughout the airwaves. This provides an alternative to the con-perspective that may find some material offensive or unsuitable for children. Another alternative would be to censor all stations more lightly but sustain the necessary comments. The only conflict would be who decides what necessary and unnecessary censorship is.
Divide it. Censorship stems back to the early 14th century with the censorship of particular words deemed profanity or “curse words”. These words differ by culture and are labeled as inappropriate or unsuitable for some audience
Agree and disagree with it. The most important justification for censorship is the development of children. Children are impressionable and influenced by their surroundings. Some try to tie it to the all time high and increasing murder and crime rate across the U.S. Supporting factors for anti-censorship would be the artist and society’s right to freedom of speech and the ability to speak with no limitations.
Consider it as it is right now. Right now censorship is at an alarming high. Words that aren’t even considered profanity are censored. Artist and even genres are banned from stations. Video games are constantly blamed for the crime rate among the young population. Games like “Call of Duty” or “Grand Theft Auto” are crucified for a theme adjacent with breaking the law or handling weapons regularly although some admit to using the games as a vice to release stress as opposed to physically resorting to violence.
Consider it over a period of time. Hopefully, in the near future, guidelines for censorship will not be as strict and will focus only on the extreme phrases like those who may be offensive to listeners. However, some think censorship is not exhibited enough and wish to expand the list of inappropriate profanity. If we continue with today’s trends, music will be lost completely as we know it. The possibilities for music will no longer be endless and the space for creativity will become narrower.
Decide whether it is a part of something bigger. Like I stated previously, this issue is in close relation with the overall struggle of the restrictions on freedom of speech. It is also affiliated with critics and ratings of movies and video games. However, censorship in music is a very defined and individual issue in itself.
Analyze it. Censorship deals with three basic aspects: that of the audience, mainstream society, and that of the children/ youth. We usually censor in regards to the development to the younger populations to avoid “polluting” the mind of a developing and impressionable child. The audience’s aspect is important in determining what is offensive to a group of people. Women, for example, are one targeted audience which explain the censorship of words that may be taken as offensive by women. Mainstream society in America is influenced by the median culture and religious views shared by most Americans.
Synthesize it. On the other hand, if there was no form of censorship, America would struggle in the field of values and respect for one another. All forms of civility among strangers would inevitably decay as a result of no boundaries. Day-to-day vernacular would be more aggressive and less withheld. The overall outcome would be negative.
Evaluate it. This issue is an argument of morals and what behavior exhibits acceptable morals as a majority. Has the threshold and tolerance for words grown with the generations? Are we more inclined to profanity as expression of emotion then those before us? Are the censors accurate with the audience? These are all prevalent questions which need to be evaluated along with my issue.
Elaborate on it. Censorship molds the values of society. People learn norms and acceptable language and behavior by what is tolerated and not tolerated by mainstream America. This issue impacts our values as a nation. This issue could very well change our entire culture for the better and potentially for the worst. Many believe that censorship violates the rights of recording artists in America.
Project and predict. “What would happen if censorship were abolished completely? Would the values of every American change for the worst? Or would society grow in maturity and recognize the expression of emotions depicted with profanity? Who is to say that I am not allowed to hear certain words or that agreeing to listen to unacceptable music will change my character and actions?
Ask why and keep on asking why. I assume that censorship was instituted to shelter us from aggressive and offensive lyrics but I would like to know who exactly is responsible for the limitations and who decides what is appropriate and not appropriate. I also question the profanity’s influence on the actions of a common American. Has it been proven that profound language is detrimental to the values of society?

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