Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Comic Strip Description

For my visual argument, I drew a comic strip regarding my topic, censorship. In this comic, Tipper Gore is notified that a bill is passed stating that all music produced must be censored. Convinced that this will solve all of our society’s problems, she advises her assistant to fire all security on the premises. Later that day, she leaves her job and walks out to the parking lot to find that her car is sitting on blocks and her tires are gone. I drew Tipper and her assistant as stick figures, not because I am a subpar artist, but because I wanted to symbolize how every form of culture will suffer as a result of censorship. The quality in art, literature, and movies will be sacrificed by censoring music. It is only a matter of time before we all are nothing more than faceless stick figures ourselves. There is irony in this comic simply because Mrs. Gore’s campaign focuses on limiting curse words in music (specifically rap and rock) but when she sees her car without wheels, the vocabulary she selects is far from exemplary.

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